At Georgia Tech, we like to use acronyms for short-hand conversations because sometimes the name of an office is very descriptive (and perfect) but just too long! Here is a list of common acronyms we may use on a daily basis. Visit the link associated with each to learn more about this office, program, or place.
SEWB - Student Engagement & Well-Being
ABC - Arts, Belonging & Community
BCIT - Black Culture, Innovation & Technology
CMHCR - Center for Mental Health Care & Resources
CRC - Campus Recreation Center
CSE - Center for Student Engagement
DOS - Dean of Students
Expo Hall - Exhibition Hall
FSL - Fraternity & Sorority Life
FY - Fiscal Year
HRL - Housing & Residence Life
IC - Institute Communications
ISP - Institute Strategic Plan
JLSC - John Lewis Student Center
JLLPP - John Lewis Leadership Pathways Program
NSTP - New Student & Transition Programs
OIT - Office of Information Technology
OSI - Office of Student Integrity
PG - President's Goals
PO - Purchase Order
PTS - Parking & Transportation Services
RSO - Registered Student Organization
SCEC - Student & Campus Event Centers
SGA - Student Government Association
SOFO - Student Organization & Finance Office
SSB - Student Services (also called 'Flag) Building (Smithgall)
The Institute - What we call GT instead of "university"
VRC - Veterans Resource Center
WE Center - Wellness Empowerment Center
WRC - Women's Resource Center